
This contract creates new Alchemy Contracts which wrap NFT tokens into ERC20 tokens in order to create a DAO around them.


function init(address governorFactory, uint votinginit, address timelockFactory, uint256 timelockinit) external

This function initializes a new DAO for an NFT. It takes the address of the GovernorAlphaFactory and the TimelockFactory and the times for the voting period and also the timelock period.

After the function is run, a new DAO is fully functional and ready to use.


function _burn(uint256 amount) internal

Internal function to burn amount x from the total supply.


function burnForETH() external

This function can be called from each holder of the DAO token. If the Alchemy contract has an ETH balance the burner will get an adequate amount of ETH from the balancer and burns their DAO tokens for this event.


function Buyshares(uint256 amount) external 

This function allows anyone to buy shares from the DAO contract. These shares have to be issued from the DAO before.


function buyout() external payable

This function can be called by anyone by sending the buyout price in terms of ETH to the contract function. This will trigger the buyout process and burn the shares of the buyer if he has some.

The buyout price will also decrease if the buyer is a shareholder of the DAO, and so he will get a discount.

Finally, all the NFTs in the DAO will be transferred to the buyer.

Also, a 0.5% fee from the buyout price is then sent from the Alchemy Contract to the Alchemy Router and split amongst the treasury and the Staking Pool.


function burnSharesForSale(uint256 amount) onlyTimeLock external 

This function will decrease the number of shares for sale in the DAO. Can only be called by the Timelock.


function mintSharesForSale(uint256 amount) onlyTimeLock external

This function will increase the number of shares for sale in the DAO. Can only be called by the Timelock.


function changeBuyoutPrice(uint256 amount) onlyTimeLock external

This function will change the buyout price for the DAO. Can only be called by the Timelock.


function setNftSale(uint256 nftarrayid, uint256 price, bool sale) onlyTimeLock external 

This function will set a specific NFT in the DAO on sale, so it can be bought separately. Can only be called by the Timelock.


function buySingleNft(uint256 nftarrayid) external

This function is used to buy a single NFT from the DAO. The NFT must have been set on sale before.

After the sale, the NFT is then transferred from the contract to the buyer and a 0.5% fee of the price is sent to the Alchemy Router.


function addNft(address new_nft, uint256 tokenid) onlyTimeLock external

This function adds a specific NFT to the DAOs NFT treasury array. Can only be called by the Timelock.


function returnNft() onlyTimeLock external 

This function returns the original NFT to the owner. Can only be called by the Timelock.


function executeTransaction(address target, uint256 value, string memory signature, bytes memory data) onlyTimeLock external

This function can execute any contract call. Can only be called by the Timelock.


function getCurrentVotes(address account) external

This function is used to get the current votes of an address based on the timestamp.


function delegate(address delegatee) public

This function is used to delegate votingpower to an address.


function getPriorVotes(address account, uint blockNumber) public 

This function is used to determine the prior votes of an address.


function _delegate(address delegator, address delegatee) internal

Internal function to set the delegatee.


function _moveDelegates(address srcRep, address dstRep, uint256 amount) internal

Internal function to move delegate votes to another address.


function _writeCheckpoint(address delegatee, uint32 nCheckpoints, uint256 oldVotes, uint256 newVotes) internal 

Internal function to write a snapshot of current votes for later processing.


function distributeAlc(uint amount) internal

A function used to distribute the ALCH token amongst the community → people who mint an Alchemy contract.


function NFTDAOMint(
    IERC721 nftAddress_,
    address owner_,
    uint256 tokenId_,
    uint256 totalSupply_,
    string memory name_,
    string memory symbol_,
    uint256 buyoutPrice_
) public

Minting function for a new Alchemy contract.


function newFactoryOwner(address payable newOwner) external

A function used to change the factory owner of the AlchemyFactory.


function getFactoryOwner() public 

View function to get the current owner of the AlchemyFactory.

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